Hardware Integration
Global BD is a leading manufacturer of PC’s and Servers. We partner with Intel to integrate their processors, boards, SSD drives, Server and Wireless Products into our Achilles brand. With our software & app development capabilities Global BD will source and configure your hardware, design and load your software and apps to your requirements thereby saving you time and money. We will help you eliminate labor intensive tasks with new hardware and equipment integrated into your environment There's no downtime, wasted resources or need to hire outside consultants. You save time and money and get the solution that fits your needs.
Global BD will custom design apps and software and will load and configure them on smart phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, iPads and Surface tablets. We'll even connect them with your mobile device management system or apply other mobile security settings. Our hardware solutions include vendors like Intel, Apple, Microsoft, Dell, HP, Sony, Citrix
With our customized software deployment, and computer imaging services, we can configure your operating system, custom BIOS and/or software settings to all your purchased desktops, notebooks, servers, iPads, Surface tablets and other mobile devices-all prior to shipping. By allowing us to handle the repetitive software configuration processes before you receive your order, you save time when rolling out your new system.